Japanese Rural Life Adventure / にほんの田舎ぐらし

現在の最新バージョンはVer 1.3.12です。
The current latest version is Ver 1.3.12.

Currently known defects.

The timing of the growth of the nuts is off by just one thing. Normally, all the fruits on a tree grow at the same rate and can be harvested at the same time. It has been reported that the harvest timing is delayed due to the problem. We will fix the issue as soon as we know the cause.

Updates currently in development

– 新しいエリアの開放
Opening new areas.

Countermeasures against forced termination of apps.

In addition to this, we are currently developing modifications and additional elements to make the game more comfortable to play. Please wait a moment now.

■ よくある質問 Q&A

Q. 「にほんの田舎ぐらし」を遊ぶためには、どうすればいいの?
On what platforms can I play “Japanese Rural Life Adventure”?

A. Apple社が提供する”Apple Arcade”に加入すると、ご利用いただけます。
初めて”Apple Arcade”に加入する方は、1ヶ月無料で楽しむことができるそうです。
すでに、”Apple Music”をご利用の方は、”Apple One”に加入しなおすと、少し金額を追加するだけで”Apple Arcade”も楽しめるようです。詳しくは下記のアドレスをご確認ください。
You can use it by subscribing to “Apple Arcade” provided by Apple.
Those who subscribe to “Apple Arcade” for the first time can enjoy one month free of charge.
If you are already using “Apple Music” and resubscribe to “Apple One”, you can also enjoy “Apple Arcade” for a small additional fee. Please check the address below for details.

Q. セーブはいつされているの?
When are saves made?

A. オートセーブです。ネットに繋がる環境でプレイされていると、iCloudにも自動保存されますので、ネット環境のよい場所でのプレイを推奨いたします。
Auto Save. If you are playing in an environment that is connected to the Internet, it will automatically save to iCloud as well, so we recommend that you play in a location with a good Internet connection.

Q. 異なる端末でゲームデータを共有したい(AppleIDは同一)
I want to share game data between different devices.(AppleID is the same)

A. iCloudへのデータ保存が成功していると可能です。
This is possible if the data has been successfully saved to iCloud.
When playing on different devices, a screen may appear asking “Which do you prefer, new data or old data?” Please choose the appropriate one. If you make a mistake, you cannot recover.
If data sharing does not work, please update the OS of each target device and try again.

Q. 起動しなくなった。
It stopped starting.

A. ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。iCloudへのデータ保存がうまくできていると、アプリを削除しても、再インストールで続きから楽しむことができます。iCloudへのバックアップがうまくできていない場合、データは初期化されてしまいます。あらかじめご了承ください。
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. if you have successfully saved your data to iCloud, you can delete the app and reinstall it to continue enjoying it. if you have not successfully backed up your data to iCloud, your data will be initialized. Please understand this in advance.

Q. 鯉が手に入らない。鯉が釣れない。
I can’t get carp. I can’t catch carp by fishing.

A. ネタバレになりますので詳細は控えますが、鯉を手に入れる方法は釣りではございません。田舎ぐらしを楽しんでいると、必ず出会えます。まずはできることを進めてください。
The way to get carp is not by fishing. You can always find them when you are enjoying your life in the countryside. Please proceed with what you can do first.

Q. 参拝の仕方がわからない。
I don’t know how to worship.

A. 実は毎日参拝する村人がいます。その村人の後をこっそりついていき、真似してみてください。
There is a villager who worships every day. Try to imitate them by secretly following them.

Q. 地主の家の庭を完成させたのに、ミッションクリアにならない。
I completed the garden of the landowner’s house, but the mission was not completed.

A. おそらくまだ完成しておりません。もう少し物を置けそうな場所を探してください。
Probably not finished yet. Please find a place to put a few more things.

Q. カメラのクセがすごい。
Camera operation is too difficult.

A. 申し訳ございません。撮影しやすいように、改善いたしました。

I’m sorry. We have made improvements to make it easier to take pictures.
You can also level up by purchasing “Camera Skill Up Items” at the village store. It’s a little expensive, but if you have the funds, please try purchasing it.

その他お問い合わせは、メールアドレス 「info @ gamestart.jp」 までお願いいたします。
For other inquiries, please email us at “info @ gamestart.jp”.
(Remove spaces and use half-width @)
We may not be able to reply depending on the content. Please note.
(Basically, we cannot answer questions such as “Where is 〇〇?”. However, if we receive the same question from multiple players, the game design may be in jeopardy, so we will post hints on this site.) (Later, we will make corrections to make it easier to understand in-game.)